“For the second time in His reign, after the major 2004 reform, His Majesty King Mohammed VI has chosen to amend this text to adapt it to the changes that have occurred over the past 20 years, while preserving a number of values that cement Moroccan society,” the professor of law at the University of Caen-Normandy told MAP.
According to the French expert, this reform, which represents “a typical balanced approach of Morocco’s choices, always seeking to evolve without renouncing its identity,” covers many aspects, particularly the legal age of marriage and the implications of divorce on child custody.
This reform also aims to “strengthen equality between men and women, a cause already championed by the 2004 reform, highlighting the continuity of policies initiated by the Sovereign,” he sais.
Regarding the compatibility of this reform with international standards, Boutin pointed out that Morocco, “fully engaged in international affairs, is a signatory to a number of conventions on human rights protection—and has participated in their drafting at international forums,” adding that “within its cultural and geographical sphere, Morocco is ahead in terms of family law reform.”
Morocco seeks to ensure that this reform is the result of an inclusive and participatory dialogue, as it concerns an institution as essential as the family, which is “a fundamental structure for the development of every human being and, as such, remains a major pillar of our societies”, he stressed.