Morocco's Govt. Head Holds Talks with French Prime Minister

Anwarpress EN Saturday 22 February 2025 - 16:27

Earlier, Akhannouch joined French President Emmanuel Macron at the official opening of the Paris Agricultural Show, at which Morocco was the first foreign country to be invited as guest of honor.

In a statement to the press following the meeting, Bayrou expressed his satisfaction with the quality of relations between the two countries, which have scored “an exceptional leap forward”, following the French President’s most recent visit to the Kingdom, at the invitation of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

On this occasion, Bayrou praised the achievements made during the visit, particularly in terms of economic partnership, highlighting the human dimension of bilateral relations.

“The human dimension of these relations is obviously the most important aspect, guaranteeing that these fraternal relations will continue over time”, Bayrou said, praising the dynamism of the Moroccan community, particularly in the city of Pau, of which he is the mayor.

“In Pau, the Moroccan community is by far the largest community of foreign origin, both culturally and in terms of associations,” he noted.

After thanking the French Prime Minister for the warm welcome extended to the Moroccan delegation, Akhannouch expressed his satisfaction with the quality of the exchanges with his French counterpart, recalling that the visit of the French President to the Kingdom, at the invitation of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, had been “an important milestone” in the history of bilateral relations.

On this occasion, Akhannouch underlined the importance of the agreements signed during the visit, “on which we are now working to implement and monitor in particular, with a view to fulfilling the commitments they contain”.

The Head of Government took the opportunity to thank France for inviting Morocco to the Paris Agricultural Show. 

This, Akhannouch asserted, was “a recognition of the state of our relations, which are important, and Morocco in turn invited France to be our guest of honor at the Meknes Show”.

Through the Moroccan pavilion, the head of government added, “we wanted to show the different aspects of Moroccan agriculture, in particular the role of women, cooperatives and the importance of local products which are linked to the territory”.

“This small-scale, solidarity-based agriculture is very important in terms of employment and development for our country”, Akhannouch explained, inviting the French Prime Minister to visit the Moroccan pavilion.

Other activities will feature the exceptional partnership between the two countries in the future, he continued, notably the exchange of visits and hosting major events.

Morocco's Head of Government Aziz Akhannouch, held talks with French Prime Minister François Bayrou at Matignon on Saturday.
22 February 2025
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